BLOT! is an acronym for The Basic Love of Things and the man behind it is Gaurav Malaker, the biggest name in electronic music in India.

He produces and performs music that lies between techno, deep house and electronica, however, his take on genre - “Personally as a producer and as a performer, I’m now ​more foolhardy of the musical choices that I make. ​For the most part genre distinction for me is irrelevant. I play sounds that I like (of course, that fit a given context) rather than sticking to styles for the sake of it,” he says.

Gaurav’s talent caught the ear of none other than Solumun who snatched BLOT! for one of his ‘Four To The Floor’ EP releases on his label Diynamic Music.

Already having conquered the electronic music scene throughout India, Gaurav is an exceptional artist with international appeal and is positioned to be a big name in top clubs and festivals around the world.